
Welkin FireFly Bird Diverter

  Welkin FireFly Bird diverter: Firefly bird diverters are flaps installed on power lines. They work as reflectors for bird species like the GIB. Birds can spot them from a distance of about 50 meters and change their path of flight to avoid collision with power lines. Bird diverter devices were developed to improve power line visibility for birds and reduce their risk of collision. The electrocution and collision of Great Indian Bustard (GIB) and other birds with the overhead power transmission lines is one of the major causes of death of these birds. Great Indian Bustard, is one of the flagship bird species of India and the State bird of Rajasthan, which is a near-extinct species. Bird Flight Diverter designs available with different manufacturers in the market are not similar and it becomes difficult for the utilities to procure suitable diverters for their requirement meeting environmental conditions. Diverter, installation, and testing are some of the important features/parame...